Permanent Staff

Our Director is , who graduated from Peking University in China before she went to the USA for graduate studies. She got PhD in statistics from Temple University, USA. Dr. Zhi has 15 years work experience as Biostatistician/Associate Director in clinical trials from a top pharmaceutical company. She is an expert in all types of clinical studies and is familiar with various study designs. She was the lead statistician for FDA (US), EMA(EU), Health Canada and PMDA(Japan) submissions. She worked with many projects in different therapeutic areas, i.e., cardiovascular, metabolic, oncology, virology, neurology and musculoskeletal.


Senior Consultants

 is Professor and Head of the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Public Health at HKU. He graduated with a PhD in medical statistics at the University of Warwick (UK) in 2003, and spent a year as a postdoc at Imperial College London (UK) before joining HKU in 2004. He has particular expertise in medical statistics including generalized linear models, survival analysis, study design, and meta-analysis.



Dr Jessica Wong, School of Public Health, HKU